Voxativ Fullrange Driver AC-4X


$10,900.00 USD 

Voxativ builds all full-range drivers by themselves. Only the highest quality materials are used, and all assembly and calibration is done manually in Germany. Voxatives subjects all drivers to a 24-hour endurance test and inspect them again very thoroughly before they are dispatched. This ensures that you receive a premium product built to the very highest precision. It results in a sound which is a delight to experience, even for those with little interest in hifi.

The world premiere of these drive units appeared in 2013 - The fullrange drive unit AC-4x is equipped with a cone made of real wood.

Although the new cone has the same moving mass as the predecessor of Japanese calligraphy paper, it's stiffness is 100 times higher.

The use of a more powerful magnet system also leads to considerable sound improvement.

The audio impression is breathtaking: a much stronger bass response and in mids and highs there are more clarity and details.

The result is nothing less than the best full range unit of the world !

Starting in January 2013 the Ampeggio Signature is be equipped with the new drive unit AC-4x. Obviously, this cone is also available for our AC-Xp driver in the Ampeggio Due. Retrofit to other drivers on request.

Price is for a pair.

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