Furutech, founded in 1988, designs and manufactures an extraordinary range of A/V cables made with extremely high purity OCC single-crystal oxygen-free copper. They have several complete lines of analog and digital, power and coaxial cables.
All metal components are treated with Furutech’s proprietary 2-Stage Alpha Cryogenic and Ring Demagnetization Process during manufacturing that ensure the lowest achievable levels of distortion and noise.
Furutech’s total awareness and devotion to detail result in a greater sense of power, dynamic, resolution, with cleaner, blacker backgrounds and a larger, more stable soundstage, vivid tonal colors and deeper extension at both ends of the frequency range.
Attention to every aspect of the recording and playback chain led them to introduce the Demag LP & Disc Demagnetizer. It quickly and effectively demagnetizes optical and analog media using Ring Magnet technology that ramps the power up, then down. It should also be used to demagnetize connectors and cables.
Everyone at Furutech is devoted towards reaching the highest standard in reference-grade A/V cables and accessories for home audio. Their mission is building the best products imaginable, regardless of the effort involved, and offering them at a price/performance ratio that speaks to every purchaser. Furutech’s Pure Transmission Design Concept improves every element of signal transmission, from the AC to the speaker.
Furutech GTX Bundle
$541.00 USD$441.00 USD SALE -
Furutech GTX DR NCF High-End Performance Duplex Receptacle $249.00 USD
Furutech 106-D NCF Plus Outlet Cover $145.00 USD
Furutech GTX Receptacle Wall Frame $147.00 USD
Furutech NCF Clear Line $258.00 USD
Furutech GTO-D2 NCF (R) Power Distributor $1,109.00 USD