Shakti Innovations
Shakti Innovations was founded in 1994. The goal is to design products that improve the performance of electromagnetic components in the Automotive and Audio worlds through a unique patented process that absorbs and dissipates what is commonly referred to as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). As good as today’s components are they all self generate EMI, which degrades signal transfer functions. The legendary Electromagnetic Stabilizer - THE STONE - was born. The user only needed to place the unit in close proximity to his component’s power supplies and other critical circuit locations to realize audible sonic benefits.
In 1997 Shakti introduced the On-Lines which incorporated one of the three circuits from the Stabilizer in a more compact unit adaptable to a variety of audio installations which include attachment to cables and directly on internal circuit parts.
In the late 90’s the patent (#5,814,761) was issued followed by major recording and mastering studios such as Abbey Road Studio and Pink Floyd’s Astoria Studio permanently installing Shakti units in their facilities.
Many recording studios and sound engineers are using Shakti Innovations Products. To name just a few: Abbey Road Studio, Pink Floyd's Astoria Studio, Steve Hoffman Mastering, Moment Records, Stan Ricker Mastering, Doug Sax's Mastering Lab, Paul Stubblebine Mastering and many, many more...