Synergistic Research CTD (Carbon Tuning Discs) Set of 4

Synergistic Research

$199.95 USD 

Carbon Tuning Discs is a spinoff of the new Atmosphere SX Loom where they are placed inside cables at key locations and are instrumental in creating the SX sound. Based on SR's patented UEF technology, each disc gets treated with a unique UEF compound that interacts with EM fields wherever you place them in your system or on cables to improve sound quality. The conductive carbon fiber material of the disc enhances the interaction between the UEF compound and the surrounding EM fields where it is placed.

Two different balances for one perfect sound: It is important to find applications for both Gold and Purple Tuning Discs in your system as their combined application creates a full sound. The Gold- Carbon Tuning Discs flesh out rich harmonics combined with a clarifying effect in the sound field for a more lifelike and holographic presentation. Purple- Carbon Tuning Discs get treated with a UEF compound that enhances clarity and extension in the soundstage even beyond Gold while maintaining a musical balance when carefully placed.

We suggest that you experiment with different locations in and on your system and cables to find your perfect match. Lastly, we recommend that you not overdo it - Carbon Tuning Discs are very powerful and should be treated as a seasoning for your audio system, sold with a no-risk 30-day money-back guarantee.

Carbon Tuning Discs can be used to tune any cable similarly to the UEF Tuning Circuits found in Atmosphere SX, Galileo SX, and SRX cables, so you get a sense of the Synergistic Research UEF sound no matter what cable brand you may have in your system. Also, a dramatic impact with the Foundation Series cables.

Global MSRP is $199.95 for a pack of 4 (2 Purple, 2 Gold)

Carbon Fibre Tuning Discs can be used to tune any cable similarly to our UEF Tuning Circuits found in Atmosphere SX, Galileo SX, and SRX cable, so you get a sense of the Synergistic Research UEF sound no matter what cable brand you may have in your system. Also, a dramatic impact with our Foundation Series cables.

Interconnect placement.
Place Carbon Tuning Disk on the sending side of interconnects. Start at your source, and work toward your amplifiers, testing one color on both channels then the other on both channels.

Speaker cable placement.
Place Carbon Tuning Discs on the speaker end of your speaker cables. Test one color on both channels and then the other.

Below are some special tips from Ted Denney III, Lead Designer/CEO of Synergistic Research Inc. that will help you enjoy your Carbon Tuning Discs even more.

Synergistic Research’s new Carbon Tuning Discs are orders of magnitude more powerful than the now outgoing ECTs. We are really glad people enjoy the ECTs, I hope everyone who owns them will continue to enjoy them even though we have finally developed a technology to surpass their benchmark. It only took us five years. lol! 
~ Ted

There are two variants of Carbon Tuning Discs - Purple and Gold. Purple is more holographic and airy while Gold sounds richer, warmer and more liquid. In most systems you will find optimal applications for both.
~ Ted

Carbon Tuning Discs are placed in a circuit, on cables, or on components to interact with their electromagnetic fields to improve sound quality.
~ Ted

Place the Carbon Tuning Discs at the beginning of cables - InterConnects, Speaker Cables, Digital Cables, Power Cables. Also on transformers, caps, on the screw between two electrical outlets, between a bank of tubes (no need to treat all tubes). The application list goes on and on but usually no more than one or two per component.
~ Ted

It is also possible to place a second Carbon Tuning Disc in the middle of a cable, especially long run interconnects.
~ Ted

When using the Carbon Tuning Discs on your speaker cables, try them at the end of the speaker cable just before the “Y” going to your speakers. Interesting and different from what works best with Interconnects.
~ Ted

About using Carbon Tuning Discs and ECTs inside devices - I am reluctant to use the aluminum ECTs in areas that can short despite them being anodized. Do not place Carbon Tuning Discs where they will short a circuit. Even though they are clearcoated, I would not take the chance. This will be covered in detail in the instructions.
~ Ted

You can also use Carbon Tuning Discs inside components, CPU’s or adjacent are effective locations, as are transformers, and/or a crowded ground point; but don’t overdo it. You can even combine a Purple with a Gold disc at two of these locations inside a single component to good effect.
~ Ted

We are finding that not only do the Carbon Tuning Discs work extremely well on cables and components, but also on the dedicated router in our system. This application made a huge difference yesterday when I was voicing a new rack.
~ Ted


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