MARCH 2025 SPECIAL! Throughout March 2025, buy an AGB SX and get a FREE upgrade from the standard power cable to a 5ft Atmosphere SX Excite ($2,495). That's a saving of $1,495 absolutely FREE.
The new Active Ground Block SX is a technological trickle-down of SR's cost-no-object Galileo Active Ground Block plus new technologies that were not developed when SR first engineered the Galileo Active Ground Block. First, they start with a Galileo-style chassis machined from a solid billet of aluminum plus carbon fiber to lower distortion related to mechanical vibration. Next, SR developed a power supply with technology and lessons learned from the LPS or Linear Power Supply development program for the lowest noise floor of any Active Ground Block to date. SR then dialed up the performance of the ULF bias of ground by introducing duel harmonics of the Schuman Resonance instead of just one with technology developed for the upcoming 2023 Galileo PowerCell. SR also focused on making the new Active Ground Block SX more practical than the popular Ground Block by upping the number of ground points from 22 to 32. This means you can ground an additional ten components, cable shields, system racks, or anything in your system made from a conductive material to maximize system performance. Finally, audition the Active Ground Block SX in your system and discover why SR says ultimate performance starts at ground level.
It all starts with 32 Star Ground Points to reduce component to component ground inductance. That’s 32 ground connections to the original’s 22. You can ground your entire system including all components, a full loom of SR cable shields, and even equipment racks, computer hard drives, absolutely everything in your system can be grounded to one SR Active Ground Block SX.
- CLICK HERE to check out SR Foundation Ground Cables - CLICK HERE to check out SR HD SX Ground Cables
Active Ground BlockSXspecifications:
Construction: Aircraft Aluminum
Dimensions: Height 2.7″ x Width 10″ x Depth 6″
Weight: 5.5 lbs.
Internal Active UEF
Connector Input: 1 each 15 amp IEC
99.995% Pure Silver Ground Strap: 52 square centimeters
SR Quantum Capacitor
Point-to-point wiring
Silver Solder 4%
Hand Built Time: 2.5 hours
Quantum Tunneling: SRX
5 Day Burn In: 2 Step Process
Voltage and current Rating:
Input rating US: 15amp/125v
Input Rating International (EU/AU/UK): 16amp/250v
Connector Input :
32 each 2mm ground ports
Graphene treatment throughout unit
Internal “Active” power supply for biasing EM Cells
4th generation Internal Gaileo Dual Frequency ULF (Ultra-low frequency) Generator to bias AC to the Earth’s Schumann Resonance for a dramatic drop in a system’s noise floor
1 each SR Power Transformers
1 each SR Quantum Capacitor in EM Cell power supply and ULF field generator
Connector Input:
1 each 15 amp IEC
1 each On/Off switch
1 each SR Purple 16A Fuse
99.995% Pure Silver
52 square centimeters
Available connections for other SR products with SR Ground Plane Technology:
Synergistic Research Atmosphere: Acoustic Wave Generator
Synergistic Research FEQ: Frequency Equalizer
Synergistic Research Tranquility Base Products
Optional High-Def connectivity ground cables are available for the following applications:
Turntables: Connect to Ground Plug on Turntable
Digital to Analog Converters (DACs): Connect to spare Digital Input, Output or Chassis Ground
Pre-Amplifiers: Connect to spare Analog Input, Output or Chassis Ground
Power Amplifiers: Connect to spare Analog Input, Output or Chassis Ground.
USB Devices: Connect to spare USB Input, Output or Chassis Ground
Any Component with an active circuit inside: Connect to spare Input, Output or Chassis Ground
Review and Awards for the predecessor Active Ground Block SE.
Mike Girardi, The StereoTimes (Sept. 2018): " of the most significant effect results of reducing the noise floor and signal compression via the SR AGB SE allowed me to listen to music at much lower volumes without any loss of detail, silence between notes, and dynamics. Component changes alone have never resulted in the type of improvement the SR AGB SE brings to the table. With the SR AGB SE installed I was more engaged with the music and not left searching for it. The SR AGB SE is an integral part of my reviewing system. Highly recommended." CLICK HERE to read the entire review
Audio Bacon concluded (April 2018): "...The Synergistic Research passive Grounding Block and Active Ground Block SE have become an indispensable part of our systems. It improves the sound in a way where component and cable swaps just can’t mitigate. That’s because proper grounding is a foundational element and is an essential part of any Hi-Fi system. If you want to maximize the potential of your system and experience fresh musical highs, we have no hesitation in recommending either of these Synergistic Research grounding blocks..." CLICK HERE to check it out
Reviews and Awards for the original non-active Grounding Block.
Howard Kneller,, March 2017:
"...when I connected Synergistic’s Grounding Block to my Esoteric K-01X SACD/CD player, the results were astonishing. Noise and digital grunge were reduced, imaging and microdynamics improved, and soundstage size and perceived gain increased… the result of decreased dynamic compression and a much lower noise floor. That plugging a $595 device into a $20,000 component could have that kind of effect was mind-blowing..."
"...the cumulative effect of completely grounding my system was unforeseen. Details, imaging, soundstage size, dynamics, noise reduction, perceived gain, and transient impact all dramatically improved..."
"...I conclude that Synergistic’s Grounding Block is no mere accessory or tweak, but a necessity. After letting it work its magic, I realized that the power supplies of audio components, even really expensive ones, aren’t designed to remove much of the signal-damaging electromagnetic demons that ride our electrical lines..." CHECK OUT the entire review.
Mike Girardi, The StereoTimes, Dec.2015: "...I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the High Definition Grounding cables. The expense is justified by that delivered performance. The addition of the SR GB and HDG cables exceed my expectations and was similar to the level of improvement the SR Powercell 10 SE MKII I reviewed back in 2013 brought to my system. The more I listened to my system with the HDG cables and Grounding Block, the more I was convinced that the addition of these products are on the critical path in assembling a truly high performance audio system..."CHECK OUT the entire review
Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief, PFO, November 2015: "...this component provides a common grounding point for a system, via grounding cables that connect to the central block via pins. The effect on our system was immediately obvious: A thin layer of hash that had been below my notice (Ain't it always the way?) was removed, clarifying a system that I already thought was exceptional. And this is the constant challenge of fine learn about the presence of "layers" in playback by subtraction. As Joni Mitchell sang in her song, "Big Yellow Taxi," "You don't know what you got ‘til it's gone." Well, yeah. And that's how it is with noise floors and transparency in audio. Certainly the Grounding Block knocked down some haze, no doubt about it..." CHECK OUT the entire review.
Steven Plaskin,, May 2015: "...transient quickness and impact of the bass was greatly improved with the Grounding Block" "...louder musical passages were definitely clearer with better resolution of transient detail using the Grounding Block..." "...the Grounding Block not only increased the soundstage, but enhanced the clarity of Krall’s voice. The enhancement in focus and definition of her voice was significant..."
"...for those that have the financial resources to add the High Definition Ground Cables to the Grounding Block, the money will be well spent given the level of improvement provided by the combination of these innovative products..."
"...when I decided to write about the Synergistic Research Ground Block and High Definition Ground Cables, I thought that this would be a short review of products that delivered subtle improvement to the sound of my system. I was not prepared for the major sonic enhancement that these products delivered. The extent of the positive enhancements goes far beyond merely those of a system tweak!"