News Blog

New Award: Aurorasound HFSA-01 receives StereoTimes' Most Wanted Component 2023 Award

Aurorasound HFSA-01 Most Wanted Component 2023 Award
David Abramson of StereoTimes writes:

"...there’s a certain potency in the Aurorasound HFSA-01’s austere, retro appearance that just says "Amplifier: hold the frills." It quickly adds, "But I’m also adorable. Please take me home." And so, at the end of my review period, I did! When paired with sufficiently efficient speakers, it is illuminating, vibrant, detailed, and surprisingly dynamic, all wrapped up in just a hint of EL84 tube warmth. Bespoke Japanese transformers lend it among the jettest of jet-black backgrounds, and there is nary any electrical self-noise to speak of. If you can get away with (a feisty) 14 watts and think remote controls are for televisions and massage chairs, the Aurorasound HFSA-01 will thrill you with its operational simplicity, retro good looks, and sonic purity. A 30-day trial period and a selection of optional Synergistic Research fuse upgrades clinch the deal..."

CLICK HERE for more information or to place your order.

New arrival: Synergistic's Top-of-the-Line SRX Ethernet and USB Cables

Synergistic Research SRX Ethernet and USB Cables
JUST ARRIVED - SR's new SRX Ethernet and USB cables.

SRX Ethernet and USB share the same hallmarks as the rest of the SRX lineup. Namely, an ultra-low noise floor with inner detail, dynamics, and holographic realism to rival the best analog playback while setting a new digital benchmark. MSRP is $5995 for 1.0m.

for more information or to place your order.

New arrival: Synergistic Research Performance Enhancer RCA Filter

Synergistic Research Performance Enhancer RCA Filter

BRAND NEW - RCA Filters now available.

Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer XLR & RCA are new UEF filter that lowers your system’s noise floor, so you hear more music with greater clarity and less noise for sweeter highs. Already available for Ethernet, USB and A/C and now for open/unused XLR and RCA. The Global MSRP is $395 each. 

for more information or to place your order.

New arrival: Aurorasound AFE-12 MC Step-Up Transformer

Aurorasound AFE-12 MC Step-Up Transformer


Aurorasound's new AFE-12 MC SUT is available now.

The AFE-12 uses Lundahl's transformers (as most of Aurorasound products) and offers 3 different loads for MC cartridges. The MSRP is $698.

CLICK HERE for more information or to place your order

New award: TM's Favorite Gear 2023 Award for Aurorasound's VIDA Prima and HFSA-01

Twittering Machines Favorite Gear 2023 AwardWe're glad to announce two Awards received for Aurorasound products. Twittering Machines Favorite Gear 2023 Awards go to:

Aurorasound HFSA-01 integrated EL84 tube amp: "...add in its retro good looks, rich fit and feel, price, and performance that left me wholly satisfied, opening as big a door onto musical enjoyment as I need, I cannot sing the Aurorasound HFSA-01’s praises loudly enough to anyone looking for an integrated amp that will feed your love of music with endless delight..."

Aurorasound VIDA Prima phono-stage: "...price, performance, design, and look & feel all play an important part in any purchase decision I make and the VIDA Prima Phono Stage hit that balancing act on the head..."

CLICK HERE to check out the award-winning gear on Twittering Machines

New review: Synergistic's Vibratron SX reviewed by Enjoy the

Synergistic Research Vibratron SX
Rick Becker of Enjoy the writes:
"...while 'Vibratron' relates to the physical action of the device, the visual design reminds me of the Space Needle in Seattle, WA. Performance-wise, it is a space needle that injects three-dimensional space from the stereo recording into the area between your listening chair and the speakers, and beyond into the soundscape we all cherish. It reduces subliminal awareness of the listening room and enhances the awareness of the musical performance and its venue. Call it a paradigm shift if you will... Personally, I like the Vibratron a lot; it is a paradigm shifter that puts me right in the cathedral with organ music and right in the mud at Woodstock. Yes, I could live without it, but why would I want to? It is a supreme indulgence..."

CLICK HERE to check out the entire review or to place your order.

New arrival: Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - XLR Filter

Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer - XLR & RCA Filter


Synergistic Research UEF Performance Enhancer XLR & RCA are new UEF filter that lowers your system’s noise floor, so you hear more music with greater clarity and less noise for sweeter highs. Already available for Ethernet, USB and A/C and now for open/unused XLR. The RCA version not yet but coming soon. The Global MSRP is $395 each. 

CLICK HERE for more information or to place your order.

New arrival: Synergistic Research Master Tuning Modules

Synergistic Research Master Tuning Module

The new Master Tuning Modules are now standard for the SRX Cables series. They are the most potent and musical UEF Tuning Bullets in Synergistic Research's 30-year history and work 100% outside the signal path.

Your old tuning bullets for SRX or Galileo Cable series can be replaced with the new Master Modules.  Available for interconnects, speaker- and power-cables. Global MSRP is $425 each. 

CLICK HERE for more information or to place your order.

New Award: Aurorasound's VIDA Mk.II receives Best of 2023 Award from AudioKeyReviews

Aurorasound VIDA Mk.II - Best of 2023 Award by AudioKeyReviews
Winner of Best of 2023 Award.

Kermit Heartsong of AudioKeyReviews writes:

"...the Aurorasound VIDA MK.II phono stage is simply a wonderful piece of playback gear. It had no flaw that I could put my finger on, sonically or ergonomically. It looks amazing, is built with precision and craft, and has more features than most vinyl enthusiasts are accustomed to. Clearly, founder and designer Shinobu Karaki's 30 years of experience with Sony and Texas Instruments has paid off in his circuit designs. The real wood enclosure, which can also be ordered in black, is the icing on the cake..."

CLICK HERE for more information or to place your order.

New review and award: Audorasound HFSA-01 reviewed by

Aurorasound HFSA-01 reviewed by

Maxwell Geiger of wrote:

"...the Aurorasound HFSA-01 offers a pure musical performance, and just as importantly, it delivers music with a purity of purpose. It’s not a solution to a problem but rather a realization of a particular vision of musical enjoyment. For analog enthusiasts willing to work within the surprisingly minor constraints of its power rating, the Aurorasound HFSA-01 should bring a lifetime of musical engagement. A passionate recommendation and an Audiophilia star are in order..."

CLICK HERE to read the entire review

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