In SR's journey to design the latest flagship SRX XL series, they developed an entirely new UEF compound to elevate the performance of the previous Matrix Shielding, which further lowers each cable's noise floor while lessening restraints a shield may have on signal transmission. SR applies this highest level of shielding to the new SRX XL cables for a significant jump in performance over the standard SX. SRX and Master Tuning Bullets developed for the SRX series cables further refines and enhances the loom's ability to cancel noise that would otherwise cause high frequencies to sound harsh or fatiguing.
SRX + Master Carbon Cable Tuning Modules
Redefining Refinement
SRX XL cables come standard with the most potent and musical SRX Master and Gold carbon fiber UEF Tuning Bullets in the company’s 30-year history. The bullets are specially voiced for the SRX cable series so you can strike the perfect balance between detail and musicality for your system. Both Gold and Master bullets are handcrafted in our Southern California Factory from carbon fiber and aircraft aluminum, with the Gold bullet plated in 24k gold not only for aesthetic beauty but also to help voice the bullet to its intended role as the most musical option for specific systems. To use SRX Carbon Fiber Tuning Modules, allow your SRX cables to settle into your system for 48-72 hours, and then experiment with your two options on a cable by cable basis. Start by inserting a Gold Bullet and then compare to the Master option and select the variant that makes music in your system. Gold Bullets have a warm and liquid balance that is also more open and transparent than our other warm-biased tuning bullets. While Master is more extended and detailed but the option that will work best and sound neutral is totally system dependent. If you voice your SRX cables one pair at a time, you will find one color that works best in most applications, plus a few that perform better with the alternate option. This process is how you will get the best from both Gold and Master bullets when arriving at a bespoke cable loom voiced for your unique system. Note, UEF Tuning Bullets work 100% outside the signal path!
Master Tuning Module’s Sonic Characteristics:
- Greater Air and Detail
- Musicality
- Liquid Smoothness
Gold Tuning Module’s Sonic Characteristics:
- Greater Musicality
- Greater Liquid Smoothness
- Air and Detail