Synergistic Research SRX Digital Interconnect
Synergistic Research SRX Digital Cables!

To set this new digital standard, SR starts with an exploded geometry comprising one 3rd Gen Silver Matrix geometry, one 3rd Gen Silver Matrix High Current geometry, and two Silver Air Strings per RCA (four silver Air Strings per XLR). Each Air String is hand-made in SR's California factory from 99.9999% pure silver in an air dielectric with a UEF grid running the cable’s length to lower the noise floor and expand the sound field. SR then applies the SRX Long Duration Multi-Frequency High Voltage Conditioning Process for enhanced clarity, musicality, and detail without fatigue. And for a lower noise floor still, connect the SRX Digital’s Ground Plane to an Active SR Ground Block. Each hand-made geometry and ground plane is run through carbon fiber discs to maintain separation between conductors for lower capacitance and crosstalk. Voicing the cables to your system is easy with supplied Gold and Silver SRX Carbon Fibre UEF filters. Gold will deliver a warmer and more liquid sound, while silver has increased air and focus. You decide between Gold and Silver Tuning Circuits by listening to your two options for a bespoke system match.
1 each (RCA), 2 each (XLR) 3rd Gen Silver Matrix:
- Silver Matrix Signal conductor: Monocrystal conductors with copper core
- Dielectric: Solid Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
- Shielding: Silver Braid -Quantum Tunneled Ground Plane Technology
- Listening tests performed for signal direction before build
1 each 3rd Gen High Current Galileo Silver Matrix Strings
- High Current Silver Matrix Signal conductor: Monocrystal conductors with copper core
- Dielectric: Solid Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)
- Shielding: Silver Braid -Quantum Tunneled Ground Plane Technology
- Listening tests performed for signal direction before build
2 each (RCA), 4 each (XLR) Silver Air String cables:
- Silver Air Strings: 99.9999% pure monocrystal silver conductor
- Dielectric: Air (sealed)
- Shielding: UEF Ground Plane Technology
- Hand crafted in our California factory
Shielding :
- UEF SRX Shielding 3rd generation,
- Point to Point Wiring
- WBT Silver Solder 4%
Quantum Tunneling:
- SRX Long Duration - Custom
5 Day burn in :
- 3 Step process
1 each Gold SR25 UEF Tuning Passive Module:
- Optional voicing for increased warmth, liquidity
1 each Silver SR25 UEF Tuning Passive Module:
- Optional voicing for maximum information and refinement.
RCA and XLR Connectors:
- Synergistic Research Silver SR20 RCA or XLR
Build Notes:
- Individual EXP Isolated cable geometries for improved vibrational isolation
- 12 (RCA) and 18 (XLR) point-to-point hand soldered connections
- SRX UEF Matrix Shielding: 2 different UEF coatings with Graphene are applied to UEF Cell, connectors and cabling and ground significantly reducing the noise floor and allowing a purer signal to transfer with less grain providing more warmth and detail. The conductors and UEF Cell also benefit from dampening effect that UEF provides
- 4 Termination for SRX tuning Module (Silver and Gold)
- WBT Silver Solder: 4%
- Hand build time: 8 hours
- SRX Long Duration Quantum Tunneling: After the cable is completely assembled all connections and cabling are treated with 1,000,000 volts of electricity at specific frequencies and pulse modulations, creating a canal in the conductor material and contact points at the molecular level that allows electrons to flow more freely. This allows the maximum amount of low level information through the conductors and provides for the highest amount of realism in your music
- Secondary UEF Blue Treatment originally developed for SR Blue Fuses
- 5-day Burn In: 2 step process
- 100% Hand Crafted in our California factory
SR Ground Block (optional):
SRX Digital interconnects have shields that can be grounded direct to earth with supplied ground cables bypassing your component’s power supplies for a lower system noise floor.
- To improve performance further still use an optional SR Ground Block with its UEF Ground Filter -or- Active Ground Block to elevate overall system performance; not only can you star ground the shields on Galileo SX interconnects to either the passive or ACTIVE Ground Block, but you can also ground all of your system’s components for a dramatic lowering of your system’s noise floor for greater detail, clarity, and musicality.