After The Absolute Sound's Product of the Year and Positive Feedback's Brutus Award, StereoTimes' Most Wanted Component Award is the third recognition in 2017 for Synergistic Research's Galileo UEF Cable series. It's also the fifth award since 2016, when it was first launched.
By now it should be clear that Synergistic's Galileo UEF cables belong to the very best cables out there, regardless of price. In fact, the Galileo series outperforms other cables costing twice as much. Take advantage of our free Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Cable Lending Library.
CLICK HERE for more details.
By now it should be clear that Synergistic's Galileo UEF cables belong to the very best cables out there, regardless of price. In fact, the Galileo series outperforms other cables costing twice as much. Take advantage of our free Synergistic Research Galileo UEF Cable Lending Library.
CLICK HERE for more details.