New review: Lyric's Ti100 Mk.II on the front page of the new FIDELITY magazine

Lyric Audio's Ti100 Mk.II on the front page of the new Fidelity magazineLyric Audio's Ti100 Mk.II Class-A integrated single-ended tube amplifier  made it all the way to the front page of the German magazine FIDELITY (Issue No.40, October 2018). 

Jochen Reinecke writes: "...the jaw drops after a few bars, no matter whether Jimmy Smith's Hammond organ grunts in the low registers, roars and bubbles like lava - or whether the music gnaws aggressively on the drumhead in the solos... no matter whether the drums consist of only one fine ride cymbal pinging or juicy rim shots and massive bass drum booms... How do you describe such a thing? Well, what is delivered here is simply 'alive'. Intoxicating, enthralling, contagiously happy... The room is literally real enough to walk into, the music completely detaches itself from the speakers and stands shimmering and sparkling in the room. And one almost feels the presence of the musicians right there in the listening room. Spooky, but nice! What could the heart desire more?"

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