New award: Valvet's Soulshine II tube preamp receives Golden Ear Award 2017

Golden Ear Award 2017 - Valvet Soulshine II tube preamp

Roland Kraft of Stereoplay concluded: "...Valvets Soulshine 2 confirms an old audio tube adage in the most beautiful way: With a simple, but carefully designed tube circuit and good components one can hardly do anything wrong. To the contrary, with its exceptionally quiet background, the Valvet Soulshine 2 sculpts the individual elements of sound into a wonderfully large, constantly coherent soundscape, while at the same time, doesn’t conceal any of the well-known, well-loved tube characteristics. It doesn’t make the old mistake of many tube amps - playing too mushy and imprecise, but  always maintains the stability, even at high volumes and charms its listeners with its reference-level dynamic abilities. When called for, it can play with the biggest and best,  but can also capture even the most subtle nuances of delicate, transparent soundscapes. The Soulshine 2 manifests its velvety smoothness, as well as beautiful tone colors and life-like emotions from the very first minute on..." CLICK HERE for more information

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