New arrival: Synergistic Research Galileo PowerCell SX 2020 Limited Edition

Synergistic Research Galileo PowerCell SX - 2020 Limited EditionLimited to 25 units only. SR engineered the 2020 Limited Edition Galileo SX PowerCell with a redesigned circuit that controls the heart of the line conditioner - its Electromagnetic Cells.  The circuit itself has 3x the output strength of the circuit it replaces to increase the filtration power of all eleven internal Electromagnetic Cells. But perhaps the most exciting feature is the variable ULF (Ultra Low Frequency) signal generator so you can custom-tune your system’s sound. This is a very exciting product!

The MSRP is $22,995 and it includes a $10k SRX AC cable.

AVAILABLE NOW!  CLICK HERE for more information. 
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