A brand new review was released today. Key Kim of The StereoTimes spent some time with Aurorasound's VIDA phono stage.
Key Kim wrote:
"...I could tell immediately the VIDA’s noise floor was very low, allowing the music to emerge infused with very detailed information... Bass performance was excellent with very deep extension, definition, and control. Pitch in the lowest octaves was accurately defined and to my delight the VIDA was able to delineate the contrabass pizzicatos and bass guitar snaps brilliantly with outstanding speed, pace and drive...The VIDA’s ability to illuminate timbre and detail was excellent. While rich and full, instrumental textures were not too ripe or romanticized. Attacks were fast and sharp, yet lively. Equally the midrange was impressive. The human and instrumental voices were reproduced naturally in a well- balanced texture, body, and tone. The voices were wonderfully rendered with revealing detail and nuance, providing for an extremely organic and involving presentation..."
CLICK HERE to check out the entire review.