Part-Time Audiophile on PowerCell 12 UEF SE, Grounding Block and Black UEF Duplex (Sep. 2018):
"...the resulting impact of these three products is more than the sum of the parts. By that, I mean that with these devices it’s more of a '1+1+1=5" effect. The noise floor drops significantly, and with that, I feel like I am hearing everything my system was designed to perform... it allows the music to just flow in a more natural manner and for more musical detail, both macrodynamic and micro-dynamic in nature, to be heard. It elevates whatever electronics and speakers you have..."
CLICK HERE to check it out
"...the resulting impact of these three products is more than the sum of the parts. By that, I mean that with these devices it’s more of a '1+1+1=5" effect. The noise floor drops significantly, and with that, I feel like I am hearing everything my system was designed to perform... it allows the music to just flow in a more natural manner and for more musical detail, both macrodynamic and micro-dynamic in nature, to be heard. It elevates whatever electronics and speakers you have..."
CLICK HERE to check it out