A brand new review of Stynergistic Research's latest fuse generation was just released on Hifiplus.com.
Alan Sircom writes:
"...the overall effect can be summed up in one word; ‘naturalness’. The sound just seems a little less ‘electronicky’ and a bit more ‘natural’ and ‘effortless’. Better yet, the more Purple UEF fuses you add to the system, the more it tends toward this effortlessly natural sound. Rhythmic elements in the sound just ‘pop’ into place a bit more with each fuse in the chain and swapping them back for anything else is a step in the wrong direction. There’s no going back... I can’t really see someone not liking the improvements brought about by using Synergistic Research Purple UEF fuses, especially as the effect is cumulative..." CLICK HERE for more inormation or to place your order.