New review and award: Voxativ 9.87 System

Blue Moon Award for Voxativ 9.87 System speakers

Srajan Ebaen of concluded:

"...a fringe benefit is that the bass cabs with their flexible settings may be acquired for competing products; and that a soloing bachelor Pi can be converted to a properly married Pi at any time by simply inserting a folded felt damper into its horn throat and docking it atop the bass base. Punters with ears bigger than their wallets can thus approach the 9.87 system in two steps to defer the full crunch of the final bill. Add truly impeccable lacquer skins applied by an actual piano maker to cross off luxury optics in the same sentence as luxury costs. On my list of speaker hotties I'd most like to keep around, Voxativ's 9.87 system enters a tight secret group which includes the KEF Blade 2 and the Vivid Audio Giya 4. Yes that's illustrious company. And yes, that's where this one belongs; different but equally accomplished and one to settle down with to call it game over...."

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